Is your campus or complex ADA-compliant? How do you know? An ISES ADA compliance plan identifies all barriers, recommends corrective action, estimates associated costs, and then prioritizes recommendations based on criticality of the barrier and importance of access to a given building.
Do you need a simple way to understand which energy- and water-saving projects to implement? Are you eager to avoid the additional costs of retaining an Energy Use Company (ESCO) and the complexity of intricate software modeling? Our Energy and Water Reduction Consulting Service uses a modification of ASHRAE Energy Audit Levels I and II and is the perfect solution.
Fire. Flood. Earthquake. Hurricane. Tornado. Storm of the Century. After you’ve assured the safety of building occupants, you’ll be focused on your business continuity plan. ISES will prepare an immediate and comprehensive damage assessment of your facilities as a modified Facility condition Assessment.
“Thanks to you and your firm’s great work, the University’s Board of Trustees recently approved a long-term infrastructure funding plan, which includes enough funding to reinvest in our facilities to maintain them at the high standard that you found most of them to be in when they were audited by your firm. Your firm’s work and credibility were instrumental in getting this done.”
“AMS 2011 is pretty amazing and very detailed. We are very fortunate to have a tool such as this.”
“The ISES Corporation from Atlanta has conducted FCAs on several of our hi-rise housing units. I believe they have quite a bit of experience with housing operations in higher education.Florida State University has used ISES Corporation since 2007 for our FCA. ISES has tagged equipment for us. We are in the process of having ISES set up an entire new building in our CMMS for maintenance. Very good work and I recommend them.”
“The information gathered from the assessment will help build a very stable foundation for facility renewal planning….It’s a focused and cost-effective approach to the stewardship of these taxpayer-owned physical assets.”
“All staff with whom I worked were very professional and responsive. Doing the District ADA tour with Rob and Norm was actually fun. The database is proving useful in prioritizing our ADA projects. We are extremely likely to use ISES again.”